Wednesday 1 June 2016

Night Crossing - The Graphic Novel!

For some years now, I've been posting updates about the development of a graphic novel version of my short story, Night Crossing by the talented young artist Amanda Whipp. Well, I'm delighted to announce that the finished work is now available from Amazon worldwide. 

Here's a sample page from early on in the story, a scene that's familiar to many of you, I'm sure ...

When you look at the details in the penciling, you can certainly appreciate the amount of time and work that's gone into creating this fang-tastic inclusion into the printed world of Underwood and Flinch.

You can order your copy online here: Night Crossing: The Graphic Novel

Many congratulations to Amanda on the publication of Night Crossing. I'm sure it will be the first of many great works in years to come. Huzzah!!