Thursday, 20 August 2015

Underground Has Begun

Underwood and Flinch: Underground has begun at Patreon

If you're subscribed at $1+, you can download the first ebook chapter in Mobi (for Kindle) or Epub (for everything else) formats. 

And if you're subscribed at $3+, you can hear me read it in all my ham actor glory on a downloadable MP3.

So come on, listeners - seize the day! ... Or the night, which might be more appropriate ;-)

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Blood and Smoke - The Finale!

Here it is, Listeners - the final episode of Underwood and Flinch: Blood and Smoke. I don't want to inadvertently post any spoilers, so I'll just say, "bon apetit!"
You can download the episode hereor alternatively, to listen live, just click the player below!

And now support me at Patreon - you know you want to :-)